We’re happy to announce that two small farms will be sourcing pork and rabbit for the upcoming Meat Week NYC events.
Cascun Farm is a family run farm that strongly believes in providing their customers with the same high quality, all natural food they feed their own family. Cascun raises pastured chicken, turkey and goats as well as all natural rabbit. The chickens, turkeys and rabbits are processed on the farm, in Cascun’s own NYS inspected 5A processing facility. Cascun Farm takes pride in being able to control the quality of their chickens from day old chicks until the time they reach the customer’s table. The custom made feed used on the farm comes from a local feed mill that is non-medicated and has no animal by products. Cascun Farm’s animals are not given antibiotics or growth hormones, and the pastures are never sprayed.
Clawhammer Farm is located in Lisle, NY, at the northern tip of Broome County. The farm’s 30 acres were once part of a large dairy farm; over the years it has been parceled out into smaller plots. In country-talk, Clawhammer Farm is known as a “hard luck” farm, since it is situated almost entirely on a hill and swampy valley. The pigs are heritage crosses (mostly Hampshire/Large Black/Duroc/ Tamworth) rotationally grazed on pasture and offered corn, soy and whey in addition to everything they find on their own. Clawhammer maintains its own breeding herd and almost always has a litter of piglets running around. All of Clawhammer’s animals are antibiotic- and hormone-free.